Apparel Impact: Toxic Takedown illustrated by Emily Drouin, written by Jesse Crowe, is the 2nd book in the comic series that educates readers about environmental responsibility, the […]
The Pirate Who Learned to Love is a heartwarming tale of redemption and transformation, perfect for young readers who love adventure, friendship, and discovering the power of […]
The adorable new children’s book, Kona Finds a Family, written by Matt Leicester, Illustrated by Emily Drouin, is a story of never giving up hope and showing […]
Tis the spooky season, so I got inspired to illustrate a fun fanart Archie Comics cover, Little Archie’s Fun House! Also, recently I was honored to illustrate […]
I had the pleasure of illustrating the covers of these new childrens and YA/Middle Grade novels: Rylen and the Case of Sporkzilla by AnneMarie Donahue, Monkey See…”See” Monkey by Matt Herring, […]